Unie-Pool Personeel B.V. believes that a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) policy is vital to its organisation. The focus is on people, both inside and outside the organisation.

Corporate Social Responsibility

Creating work opportunities, providing certified residential locations and a well-maintained fleet of vehicles. Supporting sports associations and providing good working conditions. The basic premise of a CSR policy is that it not only has a positive effect on humanity and nature and takes responsibility for it, but is ultimately good for the company itself. Here are some concrete examples within our organization:

  • Renewable energy solutions: solar panels, charging stations, hybrid driving

  • Energy-saving measures: our homes are equipped with central management of the heating system

  • Realizing waste reduction and recycling: waste is separated

  • Health – Social – Social: Union-Pool sponsors several soccer clubs so they can continue to facilitate / play sports for their members

  • Transportation is designed sustainably: commuting, employees travel together in buses to work location

  • Internal employee policy to promote health: all workstations are ergonomically designed